For someone who has been a fan of DB and a fan of video games for so long, I've played comparatively few DB games. Though, just as much, I have injected DB into other video games over the years. And though they never went anywhere, I made some feeble attempts back in 2005 and 2010 at making my own DB games, of sorts. And you can bet, as a somewhat proper dev, I’ll be sneaking DB references into games I am part of. For now, this is only a list, but I plan on adding to this page in the future.
- Budokai 1, 2, + 3
- Legacy of Goku 1, 2, + Buu’s Fury (VOD series for Buu's Fury will be posted here eventually)
- Sagas (barely remember)
- Xenoverse 1 + 2
- DBFZ (barely poked)
- Kakarot (just started and now addicted lol)
- Pokémon (multiple gens beginning with 2) - named Pokémon after characters
- Frogger 1 + 2 - crossover fic, color-coding
- Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 - customizations:

- Rollercoaster Tycoon - parks and ride theming
- SimLife - attempt at making Saiyan a species
- Terraria - recreated Spina as a player character:

- Minecraft - recreated Spina as a skin and built the gravity training room:

- Trombone Champ - edited a render of my Vegeta model with my trombone model into the "Design your own" card after my friend (one of the devs) told me of a Vegeta referencing card she'd wanted to put in:

- Majora's Mask - mod in progress!

I'm also making a little prologue comic for it: