Found: 11/15/2018
Age: ~6½
Sex: Male
AKA: Himb, Babie, my son, the Himbus, Himbus of Himbobulon, Purrbabie, whiny babie, baby boy, Bibu, Bibs, He who is Himb, the official Himb, Himblobbo, Babiebricks, Babieloaf (Bloaf), Babie with a question mark tail, Sinkboy, big poopoo, Buddy-boy, Buddy, twisted babie, jackass, Himp, Cat C

Bibubop box text goes here. My son, my Himb, my son, my Himb - he's Himb, he's Babie, he's my son, he's Himb. A floppy babie with a big, fleshy head and a question mark tail who bites everything. A twisted sweepy babie that purrs and burrows. Himb is BABIE!



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